Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Requirements for Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation Requirements!!!

In order to request a letter of recommendation from me you must have at least a B average and must submit the following information to me before you leave for the summer.  I do not want them emailed to me, I want them handed to me in a folder.  (Check powerschool under Y1 if you have an 80 or higher.  If your average is pending on your exam grade, submit your request and once I grade your exam, I will know whether or not you meet the requirement, and you will know whether or not you will be receiving one from me).

If I write your letter, I will hand you 5 signed hard copies of them for you to send to your perspective colleges.  I will also upload it onto Naviance after you have requested a letter from me.  Please do not request my letter on Naviance until I have handed you the hard copies in person.

I spend a lot of time writing my letters of recommendation over the summer and will not under any circumstances write letter for people who ask me in September.  If you want me to spend time writing about your greatness you must show your worthiness by submitting me your request on time.

The following is required :

Your Junior year class schedule
The grades you received for each marking period in my class, and midterm grade
Your Senior year class schedule
Your interested field of study at the college level- it can be broad or specific
Colleges you are interested in attending or planning on applying to

Brag sheet of any projects, assignments, or aspects of my class that you want to remind me of that you excelled in.  Graded assignments, Heaney Hotshots, any compliments you remember me giving you.  (I forget somethings throughout the year and I simply need a reminder of it)  If you got a Heaney Hotshot award remind me of what essay it was for, or what you did well on.  Again, it will only help me rave about you more.

Any activities that you do outside of school- for example if you do a lot of outside activities, AND pull off an A in my class, you are a very versatile student with excellent time management skills. 

**  Please do not waste my time.  I receive many requests for letters of recommendation.  If you do not plan on using my letter, Brookdale does not request them, please do not ask me to spend time writing one.  Colleges usually only request 2-3 letters of recommendation.  Please only ask the amount of teachers you need for letters.  Again, I do not want my summertime wasted on letters that will not be used. 

Vote for Prom Court!