Smile. Sparkle. Shine.

Smile. Sparkle. Shine.
My motto, "Smile, Sparkle, Shine" is said to you everyday to remind you to look at the positives in life and always give your all.  I tell you this everyday in order to inspire you to smile each day, show off your individual and unique sparkle, and to never be afraid to shine! 
Last year, I added to my motto:

Smile. Sparkle. Shine. Don't Do Drugs, and Wear Your Seatbelt!
I added the second part as a reminder to each any everyone of you to stay safe.  I hope my words will reach you and keep you happy, shining bright, and safe from harm.

Smile. Sparkle. Shine.
Natural High Challenge!
As a teacher, I try to add excitement, enthusiasm, and fun to your overall high school experience; there is more to high school than books and schoolwork.  In todays's world, teens sometimes have trouble finding ways to naturally get high and we are going to change that!  This year I want to inspire you to get high on life not drugs or alcohol.  If you do any of the challenges below, make a video of it, or bring  in proof somehow of the accomplished task, you will get extra credit. 

* Where's Waldo Challenge:
Find and take pictures with the following
  1. Dr. Cartier
  2. Our Mascot
  3. A Teacher that you currently have
  4. Shaking hands with Somebody New
  5. A cheerleader
  6. An alumni from North
  7. In front of a Middletown Landmark
  8. In front of a historical sign that marks an event from the American Revolution
  9. At the library
  10. At a live North Event
  11. Showcasing a personal talent
All pictures must be put in a slideshow video and set to a song that encourages school spirit with each picture labeled!  5-10 extra credit points possible.  Creativity counts.

*Participate in a Run for a Cause:
Sign up for a run/walk that raises money for a worthy cause. Not only will signing up make you feel good, but doing something athletic and healthy will make your body feel good as well!
The Great Race in Middletown
Take a picture of you at the event with proof of participation.  Any athletic event that sponsors a cause will count.  If the race is not in October or November, but you signed up in October or November, you can show proof of purchased ticket.  Helping the community or a cause will also add to your community service hours for college! The amount of points are awarded for the amount of miles you ran/walked multiplied by 2.

Middletown is a very community driven place!  Help out at a local food drive, clothing drive, or soup kitchen.  Take a picture of you participating in the event and have the person in charge sign off on how many hours you worked.  The amount of hours you helped our community will be added to your lowest grade.  Help others Smile. Sparkle. Shine. during this holiday season.

It's exam season! You need to release some stress!!
Reenact a Music Video with members from your class. Even the Olympic Swimmers needed to relieve some stress with a Natural High Challenge. It obviously helped Michael Phelps become the world's greatest Olympian! Worth up to 10 points!

*Ellen's Dance Dare
Ellen DeGeneres Dared America to Dance in Public without getting caught last year.  Here is a group from last year's video.  This activity will bring a lot of laughs and make you have a great, safe, and healthy day!  Worth up to 10 points!
You and some of your classmates must conduct a successful flashmob of at least 15 people.  Flashmobs are showing up everywhere, this one was conducted in Belmar, NJ!  Where will you decide to showcase yours?  What song will make your mob unite?  Youtube flashmobs for more ideas!  This challenge is worth 10 points per producer, not participant.  Maximum of 3 producers.
Have Fun and be Safe!!
Make sure you don't break the law!
Any other ideas for Natural High Challenges, please see me for approval and placement on the site!  The more the merrier!

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