Monday, March 6, 2017

February Pro/Con Debate

After debating this topic in class, did your peers bring up anything you did not know before or did not consider?  Did your opinion change at all after hearing your peers' opinions?  What did you feel after this debate?  Please write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on the debate.  Feel free to respond or connect your response to your peers' reflections as well.


  1. My opinion did not change at all, I still believe that there should be new and improved restrictions regarding who should receive welfare. Annual inspections of recipients circumstances should be in order to prove that they are either deserving or using welfare properly.

  2. I feel that only people with disabilities should be able to receive welfare. Hard workers are paying to support people refusing to get a job. Welfare needs to have stricter requirements. Most people on welfare are drug addicts or are homeless and have no future in getting a job. Welfare needs to be given trying to make a change in their life.

  3. My opinion did not change. There should be more restrictions put on welfare to make sure that the system isn't being abused by people that don't need it.

  4. My opinion did not change since I found evidence that most welfare goes to blind people or seniors. Something new that is being considered that we discussed at the end of class about people being drug tested for the ones on welfare. Also, ones on welfare has reduced poverty and saved many lives. I still am on the pro side that people who are in need for help should receive welfare.

  5. My opinion did not change. I believe illegals and people on drugs or that have felons should not have welfare.

  6. My opinion did not change according to my classmates responses. I do not believe someone should receive welfare, if they have a drug problem. Also if you cant take care of yourself why should you be able to have a kid, and not be able to take care of him/her either.

  7. I now believe that welfare is not necessary, we do not need to provide welfare, people who can work should not be able to receive welfare. If you can work then you should be able to provide for yourself.

  8. After today's discussion, my opinion has not changed. There should be serious regulations on the welfare programs in the United States. Many people take advantage of the money they receive by spending it in places they shouldn't, such as for drugs or alcohol. The middle class taxpayer are supporting people on welfare, where many of the recipients misuse the programs. -Jake Frontera

  9. My opinion on the topic did not change, after our debate. I still believe there should be more requirements in order to obtain welfare. But I do think a good idea is to drug test people and make sure the reason for them being unable to support themselves, is not drugs. -jess emme

  10. My opinion did not change i still believe welfare qualification should be raised.

  11. my opinion did not change. welfare should not be a thing

  12. My opinion did not change. I still believe that there should be more restrictions put on welfare so that more people would not be abusing the system or using to get money for their problems.
    Katrina Paone

  13. My opionon stays the same the people who deserve welfare are the people who cannot work due to many disabilitys. The only circumstance I don't agree with is former drug addicts recieving welfare. They have to get a job when on parole therefore , welfare should not even be an option for them.

  14. I still feel that the requirements to receive welfare should be revised to keep people who do not need or should not be given welfare do not receive it. There was nothing new that was brought to light in the discussion that was held in class that I had not considered before.

  15. My opinion did not change. The requirements for welfare are good, and should not be changed. If you can't support your family from your low income job, you might need that little bit of extra money to put food on your table every day.
