Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January Pro/Con Debate Reflection: Gun Control

After debating this topic in class, did your peers bring up anything you did not know before or did not consider?  Did your opinion change at all after hearing your peers' opinions?  What did you feel after this debate?  Please write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on the debate.  Feel free to respond or connect your response to your peers' reflections as well.


  1. After debating this topic in class, I did not consider that Germany's crime rate is extremely lower than ours because they have so many guns. That makes me wonder if increasing gun control is better or not. Yet, I still agree with increasing gun control. I agree with Liam saying that we need to not just ask questions, but really do a secure background check.

  2. After this debate I learned from my peers that many people do not solemnly agree with their argument Like liam said he doesn't really agree with his opinion in his essay because of how easy it is to get a gun for no particular reason, for example not having to get a mental screening or asked serious questions. My opinion did change toward my essay because I did not agree with having a gun i agree with a pro argument. After this debate I feel my opinion and argument is a good option considering the amount people that need that re assurance like victims of rape or victims of domestic violence, but i also really do agree with not having a gun because i feel their are more homicide and suicides and gun related deaths than gun related good deeds or good scenerios i feel guns have always been for the bad and will never be something good.

  3. Guns are dangerous and lethal weapons. Innocent citizens are being murdered due to illegal gun violence. By restricting and increasing the gun control in the United States the country would have a better chance of protecting its citizens from gun violence. The United States should also place levels of gun licenses to different kinds of guns. The more lethal the weapon is the less people should have it. That is why the government needs to increase gun control to help ensure our countries citizens safety.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. After debating this topic in class, I believe we should increase gun control. We should have background checks and mental health checks for anyone who wants to buy a gun. Our country would be a lot safer if we did this. Not everyone is qualified to have a gun so it should not be so easy for anyone to have a gun.

  6. I think there shouldn't be an increase of gun control, since more people have bought more firearms there has been less violent crimes. If the background checks became harder, the second amendment would be infringed because it gives american citizens the right to bare arms.

  7. I feel about this debate that gun control should be higher. There is many deaths of using guns my peers have said. Innocent people die everyday from wrong people that have guns.

  8. My opinion did not change because most people agree that gun control should be stricter. It causes many deaths every year. Yes my peers brought something up i did not know. Over 1.3 million guns are stolen every year

  9. I have not changed my point of view, I still think it is important to improve the regulation of the gun, although this process is very difficult.

  10. My opionion on gun control has not be moved one way or the other.

  11. My opinion has not changed, i still believe that gun control should be much more uptight.

  12. I have the same opinion about guns that there should be less gun control to make it safer so that everyone has the same advantages

  13. My opinion remains the same after this debate, but I did learn a few new facts about gun control including the facts that Logan and Liam shared. This is also the best that Connor had ever done on a pro con debate

  14. I didn't know that 1.4 million guns were stolen.
    No because I stil believe the NRA has a big say in the votes for senate. I think gun in the projects vs in middletown is alot different since they live in a more dangerous place. liam mcgregor

  15. ive learned that many deaths are the result of uncontrolled gun laws in the united states. I also learned that more women are killed every year with guns than soldiers in Iraq every year from 2001-2015. My opinion has not changed, I am still for more gun control. Writing a con essay has broadened my opinion though.

  16. I learned that Chicago has the strongest gun laws in the country, yet they do not help with the crimes and corruption there. I feel as though that the gun laws in the country should become equal and there should be a mental evaluation before someone can gain their gun license. There has been many shootings because of the lack of background checks among the country, therefore leading to violence. Only certain guns should be legalized, such as small shotguns rather than people having an AK47 just for decoration or whatever else they should happen to use them for.

  17. my opinion hasnt changed. I still believe that we should have stricter gun laws because he would help even a little bit in the amount of deaths nation wide due to gun violence. I for sure think its unnecessary to have automatic weapons in your house but I believe any gun is not necessary. we do have law enforcement, but if everyone didnt possess a firearm there wouldnt be gun violence - Dan V

  18. My opinion did not change after this debate. I learned a few more facts about how gun control is negatively affecting Americans, but I still believe our country would be a better place with gun control.

  19. The whole class kept contradicting themselves, so my opinion with the mental health checks stays the same. Educate yourselves.

  20. My opinion has yet to change. I feel that many people have not formed a strong option. I think people struggle to feel strictly one way or the other.

  21. "My opinion has not changed. I still believe that the psychiatric evaluation should be more thorough so that those with the intent to harm are not given weapons." - Andrew White on Alex's chromebook

  22. I wrote my essay as the con side meaning I believed we did not need more gun control. After the debate I think the pro side is probably right though since I can't really argue with the points about psychological tests and no fly list screenings for people buying guns and they would probably make things a lot safer.

  23. I still have the same opinion. Americans need to be able to own guns. Guns will help protect you and your family. Where gun control is not allowed, the crime rate goes up because the guns are owned illegally. Now people who can not be trusted have guns. This happens in towns such as Chicago and LA. Gun control will forever give an American security at all times. You will no longer live your life in fear. -Ricky Yennella

  24. I'm still strong for not increasing gun control.Increasing gun control infringes upon the Second Amendment and denies law-abiding citizens a sense of safety.

  25. My opinion, being for gun control, has not changed. I still believe that there should be extensive restrictions on gun ownership. I feel as though citizens should not have access to military grade weapons. Gun related deaths and crimes need to be reduced, and unsuitable candidates should be blacklisted. Non-threatening Americans should have an extensive background check, and thorough investigations.

  26. After having the debate in class, I am still strong against increasing gun control. I did not change my mind because increasing gun control would reduce crime rates, and the shootings that have been taking place.
    sarah walz

  27. I am pro gun control. Yes, Americans have the right to bear arms but some people also use this right to their own advantage. There also needs to be more background checks.

  28. My opinion is still the same. There should not be any increase on gun control. Many people keep themselves safe with their guns. Even with increased gun control criminals will get guns. People need to defend themselves.

  29. My opinion has not changed on increasing gun control. I still believe that gun control should not be increased.

  30. My opinion has not changed according to what my classmates have said. I still think there should be increased gun control because of the amount that are killed from gun violence. For example, Each day, on an average, 13 children under the age of 19 are killed by gunfire and more are injured. Homicide is the second leading cause of death for youths 10-19 years old. Most youth homicides are committed with firearms, especially handguns. So I still believe that gun control should be increased because it according to research, it will decrease crime.

  31. After debating in class, I believe gun control should not be increased. I feel that if a person owns a gun there should be safety rules but I feel as if everybody should be allowed to own and a carry a gun. Crazy people shoot others because they know that the other person has no way of defense, but if every person was to carry guns then I feel as if crime rates would decrease due to the fact of everybody being able to fight back and not be vulnerable.

  32. My opinion did not change due to the fact that no one was able to answer the need for a automatic rifle, but some conversations did make me look at both sides like the fact that if we create stricter gun laws then we can potentially be taking guns form the innocent and leaving criminals to have them, if a criminal wants a gun he will get a gun

  33. My opinion did not change. American citizens should have the right to own a gun in their own home. Doing so prevents crime and has been proven in the past. Also, cracking down on gun control laws will only prevent the innocent citizens from obtaining weapons to protect themselves. Criminals will always find ways to obtain lethal weapons regardless of the laws. - Jake F.

  34. My opinion has not changed. My opinion is that it should not be increased. I do not think it should be increased because places with tougher gun laws have more shootings. Also places where they let more people carry guns have less of a murder rate.

  35. My opinion on gun control has not changed. Every person should own a gun. if there is more guns people will not try to do anything stupid. Everyone will be able to protecting themselves from people with guns that do not listen to the law.

  36. My opinion remains the same. Gun laws should be increased due to safety issues of living in a world full of crime.Having a gun is a way to feel safe if you were ever to run into some trouble.I am pro towards this subject and believe that increasing gun laws would benefit us in a positive way.

  37. My opinion changed, but not enough for me to completely switch my views. I do believe that there could be clauses to add onto the second amendment, like a thorough mental health check. I also believe that guns should be obtained from a federal operation and not some shop that isn't able to check if there is anything that is forged or falsified on the mental health checks. I still feel that gun violence is an issue that is not going to be easily solved, if at all.

  38. I still have the same opinion I had when going into this. I still believe that the current gun laws should not be changed, there were some good opinions brought up, but not enough to change my opinion

  39. After listening and learning about all of my classmates opinions of whether or not gun control should be increased or decreased,my opinion still stands the same.I say that the gun control should be increased but not in anyway to where it takes away any citizens right to own a gun. In theory, some places including New York and California have a more strict gun law then New Jersey, meaning that it is not as easy to acquire a gun. This means that the people who live there, it is harder for them to buy a gun to protect themselves from a threat from another person who has a gun. For example, criminal felons can take an easy route and go to the black market and buy a gun without any problems. Finding out all of this information, I did acquire that it can be easier to not only increase the background check for all citizens to make it harder for them to own a gun but go into the black market and have a thorough background check on every citizen who is trying to acquire a gun through the black market.

  40. After the debate in class my opinion has not changed I still believe gun control should stay the same but I have learned that the topic about gun control is something that won't be solved with one thing.

  41. My opinion did not change. I still think if we had very strict gun laws crime would go down. There is no way to be 100% sure that someone can not get a gun, but it can be made very difficult. Guns such as automatics and magazines such as drum magazines which can hold dozens of rounds are not necessary for any reason. Those guns are not practical for hunting, and no one but the military should have military grade weapons.

  42. I still believe that gun control should have more laws because with the middle eastern people coming in to the country we need more laws so they are the ones who have guns in their possession. Gun control should only have a little more restriction but not a lot to where it makes Americans mad
    Tyler R
