Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Controversial Issue

After debating this topic in class, did your peers bring up anything you did not know before or did not consider?  Did your opinion change at all after hearing your peers' opinions?  What did you feel after this debate?  Please write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on the debate.  Feel free to respond or connect your response to your peers' reflections as well.


  1. I still think that we should deport illegal immigrants because we are spending way too much money on them. Our crime rates would become much lower and we would have much more room in our federal prisons. It is not fair either that the hospitals pay for them over the poor people. You should not be in this country if you do not belong here.

  2. My opinion did not change becauase i still feel strongly about deporting the illegal immigrnats. They take people jobs commit crimes and hurt this country. Yes they can also do good for this country but the cons outweigh the pros. They overall have a negative impact on this country. We need to deport them and have only american citizens in our country.

    I did learn some new information however like how much money we spend on trying to keep them out of this country. But we still have not been able to stop them from coming in.

  3. I think we should deport the illegal immigrants because the legal US citizens are paying taxes that are going to education for immigrants and their school lunches. If they want to live in America they should pay like all the other US citizens. There is a lot of crimes caused by the illegals such as drug cartels and human trafficking, after they are done with their sentences they should be deported back to where they were born.

  4. I did not take into account how to deport illegal immigrant problem and I do not change my point of view.

  5. I believe that illegal immigrants should be deported. These illegal immigrants take many jobs here in America and they also are guilty of committing many crimes that potentially put Americans in danger.
    In order to find all of these immigrants, i think that Americans should look through the school system and throughout hospitals. Running through these files will allow us to find immigrants and then track down more of there family members.
    After listening to everyone's opinion, this is how i feel and where my opinion stands.

  6. Kyle Goworek
    Illegal immigrantion is a very controversial issue in the US. There are so many illegal immigrants in America that it would be very challenging to deport all of them. The United States needs to deport the immigrants that are causing problems. Such as jailed immigrants or resource sucking immigrants. Many people believe that we should deport all since they are using up our tax dollars. I believe that we should deport the resource sucking immigrants

  7. I am for deporting, but for certain reasons like if the illegal has a record or recently commits a crime. Another thing I have thought of that my grandfather shed some light on was making them earn their citizenship by instead of deporting they can have the option to join jobs that don't have average amount of workers such as the military, 1% of Americas population is in the military and in the 1960s that percent was at a high of 13%. While I agree with what my grandfather said, I think that they should also have the option of what they do in that job, so if it is the military they choose the government cant force them into combat and basically play god.

  8. Everyone in the class brought up very interesting points in the discussion. No, My opinion on Illegal immigration did not change because the cons outweigh the pros of the immigrants being in America. Logan brought up some very good points and statistics about how these illegal immigrants are negatively impacting our country.

  9. I believe that illegal immigrants should be deported back to their country of origin. It will save tax payers a lot of money because they will not be paying extra tax to provide for impoverished illegal immigrants on welfare. My opinion did not change
    Andrew White

  10. Zach brought up some good points about tomatos and how lazy Middletown citizens are and it really strengthened my ideas and opinion that we should keep illegal immigrants in the country as they keep the economy going as they are being paid illegal wages, which could collapse many companies that could not pay legal wages.

  11. after today i still think we should deport them for the opportunities for us citizens. also we would have more space in federal prisons so we wouldn't have to pay for them. if they are gone we would have to pay less for the people in jail. it would also make the us safe because there is less illegal drugs. nick donato

  12. I believe we should deport all immigrants and make our welfare stricter, as a girl coming from a upper middle class family that has worked hard for their money all their lives, the fact that an ILLEGAL immigrant can walk into the doctors and get FREE healthcare is honestly ridiculous. It's very unfair that someone illegal gets free healthcare and Me, an American citizen, has to pay for healthcare and healthcare isn't cheap.

  13. My opinion has not changed. I still believe we must deport or open options like joining the military for these immigrants. Americans are paying for them to live here and offering them many options that shouldn't be open.

  14. I have not made a full decision. Im still debating between both sides where the immigrants are doing dead end jobs nobody wants and where if we deport all of the illegal immigrants we can drive down the unemployment rate. After the debate i am starting to think about changing my mind to keeping immigrants inside our country.

  15. In my opinion we should close all of our borders and let the immigrants that are here go through the process of becoming legal and anyone who wants to come here should come through legally.
    I think it is best not to split up families that are here already and to not let anyone else into our country illegally. We should organize them and abolish any crime in our country from illegals.
    -Kimberly McMillan

  16. I am for keeping illegal immigrants because they are human beings just like you and I. But I also believe that every illegal immigrant that is in our jails should be deported because we shouldn't have to pay for them to stay in our country. But every illegal immigrant should also be given a chance to get there green cards and if they don't them deport them.
    Vanessa Micchelli

  17. My opinion has not changed, I think that illegals should stay if they don't commit crimes or do bad stuff but I do understand that it has its own economic reprocussions.

  18. My opinion did not change. I still think that we should still deport illegal immigrants. There is about 36 million unemployed American citizens in the US and by removing about the 8 million illegal working immigrants, it will open up the jobs for the unemployed American citizens. - Dan Vaccaro

  19. After all of the points my classmates brought up I still believe that we should deport illegal immigrants. Some illegals may pay taxes but it is easily outweighed by the fact that they get more benefits than a American citizen. Tax payers pay billions of dollars a year for illegal aliens to have these benefits. America is practically rewarding them for breaking the law.

  20. For both sides of the argument everything said was very informative and brought up very good points. Immigration is a very touchy subject and many people have varying opinions and I enjoyed hearing everyone's personal opinion in class such as the potential increase of jobs that could occur if illegal immigrants were indeed deported and the economic benefits that it could have as well. Also that the deportation of all of the immigrants would lead to a drastic negative effect on the economy and the job market.

  21. My opinion on deporting illegal immigrants remains con and I continue to believe that all my points are solid.I believe my argument about tomatoes was a good one and I stand by how the illegal immigrants working at tomato farms support the economy. Although some good counter points were made against my arguments I am still on the con side.

  22. My opinion did not change, I still feel as if illegal immigrants should be deported.Illegal immigrants take less desirable jobs that Americans could take to provide for there families. Also, illegal immigrants do not pay taxes which effects The United States economically.All of this can be avoided if illegal immigrants are being deported.

  23. Illegal immigrants should be deported. Trump needs to go through random security checks. The immigrants take away a majority of the US jobs. If they get deported, the unemployment rate will go down with huge numbers. I feel that America would be a better nation if these immigrants left.
    -Ricky Yennella

  24. I agree that illegal immigrants should be deported. Other people have waited years and worked hard to get their citizenship while the illegal immigrants just found their own way in. Now they cost tax paying people extra money so they can live comfortably.

  25. I believe we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants the amount of money it would cost in order to find the illegal immigrants and to keep them out would cost even more money in the end we wouldn't be able to get all of them out and it really wont be cost effective.

  26. My opinion has stayed as con, although my essay was written in the pro point of view. In doing research for my essay, I found more information that proved that illegal immigrants being deported is not a good idea and wont benefit the united states as much as people think.

  27. My opinion stayed the same, they shouldn't be deported if they aren't doing anything wrong, yes they are taking jobs but usually it is a job that people don't normally take but now that it is taken they all of a sudden want it. Also if they have children born here are you going to take the parents away from the child? People may say "oh they can just take them with them" but then what? You are going to have them take there children to a place they don't wanna be at, plus they won't even have a place to stay or any money or food, then you made the situation worse.

  28. I believe not all illegal immigrants should be deported. Illegal immigrants do not even make up 5% of crime rate in the United States. In addition to this fact, some aliens already have family and have a steady job.

  29. After having other people tell their opinions, I personally still strongly agree that all illegal immigrants should be deported. They take jobs, opportunities and money from Americans.

    Sarah Walz

  30. I agree that the illegal immigrants should be deported back to their country. The United States is spending billions of dollars on these illegal immigrants living in the United States or in prisons. If we deport the illegal immigrants who have been arrested and are currently in prisons, it would free up a lot of space in the already overcrowded prisons.

  31. James Politano
    After listening to what people had to say about if we should deport illegal immigrants or not I still believe that we should deport them because they do hurt the more countries in more ways then they help
    James Politano

  32. I think that all illegal immigrants should be removed properly by not racial profiling but carefully review the population of foreigners in this country. Therefore if someone is offended by this they cant get mad

  33. Karen Smith
    My opinion did not change, I still think illegal immigrants should be deported from this country. My classmates said similar things as I did in my essay, like illegal immigrants are taking over jobs that legal citizens would not be able to do. Also in my essay I stated that illegal immigrants are overpopulating the country, which is causing several problems.

  34. Deporting illegal immigrants can either be right or wrong. Everyone has different circumstances. If an illegal immigrant is working on a job that US citizens don't need, and they have a family and they are not harming anyone then we shouldn't deport them. If an illegal immigrant is committing crimes they they should be deported.

  35. Tyler Ras
    Everyone who spoke in class has their own opinion and that was shared in our discussion in class. I still am a believer in the deporting of illegal immigrants because they are the top leaders as gang members, in criminal records and the drug trade. They are also taking jobs away from the everyday American citizen and those jobs should be open to an American citizen because it is the country they were born in and deserve the opportunity to succeed because it is their country just as much as anyone else's who was born here

  36. Tyler Ras
    Everyone who spoke in class has their own opinion and that was shared in our discussion in class. I still am a believer in the deporting of illegal immigrants because they are the top leaders as gang members, in criminal records and the drug trade. They are also taking jobs away from the everyday American citizen and those jobs should be open to an American citizen because it is the country they were born in and deserve the opportunity to succeed because it is their country just as much as anyone else's who was born here
