Friday, October 28, 2016

Controversial Issues Debate in October

After debating this topic in class, did your peers bring up anything you did not know before or did not consider?  Did your opinion change at all after hearing your peers' opinions?  What did you feel after this debate?  Please write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on the debate.  Feel free to respond or connect your response to your peers' reflections as well.


  1. I feel that we need to coordinae with our allies to detroy ISIS. Because it would not benefit anyone to send troops in on the ground. It would only create a warzone and destroy the middle east. I only beleive that we should send troops to secure there financial assets to take away all of ISIS money. Without there financial assets ISIS would not be able to do anything to any power around the world and it would only be the U.S and its allies bombing specific targets to continue to weaken ISIS strength in the middle east.

  2. I didn't know about the killing in eygpt. No it didn't. I still believe we should bomb to a limit. I feel that ISIS should be wiped out. Also some peoples presentation weren't that informative

    Liam McGregor

  3. I personally belief in both statements, i think they all make valid points as in the need for allies, the troops being soldiers to fight for good reason,the statics of attacking america. they all form valid points but certain things don't match up, and certain things do. Personally i do not agree with war what so ever, i believe in the points that jill stein forms with creating peace with small forms of violence possible but i do understand that our country does not work like that so we need to form the best possible solution for this topic. And after all the presentations i have changed my personal opinion not completely but i have realized after these presentations that attacking ISIS wouldn't be such a bad idea IF NO AMERICAN BOOTS ARE ON THE GROUND but if we attack them with bombs and in air attacks it would be ALOT less risky and deadly if we formed a solution by in air attacks.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Liam brought up a good point that ISIS is growing in numbers and they are hard to distinguish. Because of this we need more people to fight. I learned from conor the amount of people who were in the Paris shootings. Another thing I learned was how people are recruited by ISIS. My opinion however, did not change about my ciews toward ISIS.

  6. I agree with Liam because I think that we should bomb them and kill them all. ISIS keeps growing and that is the only way to stop them. I also think that we should add more to our Military forces because what we are doing right now is not enough. I learned how people were recruited.

  7. Yes my opinion changed I feel after this debate we should take a stand and be more protective and have more security. I think Brando Obama should be more serious for ISIS and not let them take advantage in our country and we need to stand up.We do not need to have fear from them its time to stand up.

  8. I believe after hearing everything that ISIS deserves to be destroyed. They've done numerous acts that should never have been done. Yes, other enemies have done such things similar before and they were also dealt with. We should deal with ISIS in the same manner since so far the other countries who have been taken care of have no longer coutinued with their incredible destructive ways. If we deal with ISIS the same way as we did we other countries it will at the very least slow them down incredibly.

  9. After listening to my peers present, my opinion on this topic has not changed. My beliefs just got stronger about this topic. ISIS needs to be destroyed. They are destructive and the American military doesn't destroy ISIS soon they are more likely to has a major attack against the United States.
    My opinion on this topic has only gotten stronger. I feel that ISIS needs to be destroyed. I think this because they have just been going around the world killing innocent people. I dont know how we should go about destroying ISIS, We can either drop a nuclear bomb and destroy everything or we can place down troops and let them fight. I think id rather the United States should place down more troops and let them go into fight ISIS so innocent people font die. This is how i think we should go about defeating ISIS.

  10. Even though i was con, i agree with the pro reasons to strengthen forces against ISIS. Since they are targeting our allies we should do something about them, but we should not bomb them since the last time we bombed a country it was really bad and Japan is still recovering from it, but also we would not benefit from sending troops because we already lost so many troops from the last two wars in the Middle East.

  11. My opinion has not changed, I still believe that ISIS is becoming more and more of a threat everyday. From bombings to shootings, people are getting killed and that needs to stop, since 2014 they have killed 18,800 people. They believe they have created a new religious caliphate and murdered a couple hundred of people on the day declared, they believe it is another holy war I have read and anyone who believes they can kill innocents and get away with it are crazy.

  12. Have changed my mind, because the Isis organization is not as simple as I thought, they are like crazy, so I think it is necessary to strengthen the military strength against Isis, this organization is even more terrible than I imagined

  13. My opinion is that we should just nuke the middle east and be done with it. Since I was kinda forced to go pro when I typed the essay. My opinion is that we should pull our troops out so that no American lives are lost. My opinion did not change I still beleave the best way to stop terrorism or at least severely damage is to nuke the entire middle east. After the debate I feel like I have even more of a reason to nuke the middle east.
    If I could I would of wrote that in the essay but since i picked pro on the first essay I was stuck with it on this essay.

  14. My opinion is that we should just nuke the middle east and be done with it. Since I was kinda forced to go pro when I typed the essay. My opinion is that we should pull our troops out so that no American lives are lost. My opinion did not change I still beleave the best way to stop terrorism or at least severely damage is to nuke the entire middle east. After the debate I feel like I have even more of a reason to nuke the middle east.
    If I could I would of wrote that in the essay but since i picked pro on the first essay I was stuck with it on this essay.

  15. I believe ISIS is following an absurd practice. People are joining the terror group for insane reasons. There may be another group that would take over if ISIS is taken down. There are tons of crazy people out there that try to take action. In order for us to ensure there is no terror group there wuld have to be complete government control.

  16. I still feel strongly that the military forces should be strengthened against ISIS because they need to be taken down. ISIS has caused endless causes that America be afraid of them and it needs to be stopped. ISIS should just be taken out and ended just like al quaeda was.

  17. I feel the same about destroying ISIS, and after discussing statistics and stuff I feel stronger about destroying them. ISIS is getting stronger each day, and we should destroy them while we can.

  18. I think putting soldiers on the ground to fight against ISIS is the best option. It would be unamerican make us no better than ISIS if we bombed them, killing thousands of innocent people. My view on the Japanese during WWII did change despite that not being the main topic. But I do think we should step up our fight against ISIS

  19. Despite learning that Connor is not a museum guy, I also learned about the horrible things that ISIS has done to both America and ally countries. John brought up a good point about the bombing of Hiroshima. If we were to bomb Iraq and the Islamic nation, it could leave a long term affect for the next generations to come, who are not guilty of terrorism. There is a possibility that another terrorist group comes after the elimination of ISIS but it doesn't matter because we will continue to fight against them.

  20. Although ISIS is a threat, increasing military force doesnt seem to be a good idea as it would put many american soldiers at risk for little to no reason. The battle against ISIS is futile as they constantly regroup and would only plan larger scale attacks on American civilians.

  21. After listening to my peers talk about this topic, my opinion does not change but i did learn some new things. i think its a good idea to get more spys to look at ISIS actions. i dont think we should bomb their territory.- nick donato

  22. There's no doubt that ISIS is a force to be reckoned with. I felt that my opinion did not change. ISIS isn't a direct target, so we can't really pinpoint their location and attack. I did hear some good points brought up such as how we'd get the money for the increased military defense. But this won't stop us from attempting to fight back.

  23. My opinion has not change, I still think that strengthening the military could start a war. I believe this because there have been threats that if we send ground forces in Syria and Iraq that they will kil more Americans
    Vanessa Micchelli

  24. My opinion is still very on the fence about this topic, it's a touchy topic, but at the same time I believe that ISIS needs to be destroyed, but where will the money come from? We need to solve our problems here first.

  25. We shouldn't bomb them because it can leave long term effects. The U.S shouldn't attack them because that's what they want. They can capture our troops and use them to bend our will. We can't defeat terrorism we can only try our best to prolong it.

  26. I learned about what it is like to be racial profiled. I learned what it is like to have it turned on to me. I learned what it is like to be the victim

  27. My opinion is still the same. ISIS is an ever growing issue and should be handled. We should coordinate with other countries to help take care of this problem. Putting more security in countries is a good idea to help prevent any future attacks that could happen

  28. I still think that we should increase the strength of force against ISIS. it is important that we put an end to innocent people being killed.

  29. My opinion didn't change I still think that we should strengthen Military forces in the fight against ISIS. I didn't learn much more than I already knew because there was a lot of facts that needed to be read while writing the essay. After the debate I think we should send drones and find where members live then send troops when we are aware of their location to keep Americans safer.

  30. I did not know that they could send drones out into the Middle East to spy on ISIS. My view has changed since other people's presentations because now I believe that we should not strengthen military force because sending over troops is not worth fighting other peoples problems for them. It should be up to Syria and Iraq to fight their problems for them. Sending soldiers out there would be pointless if ISIS members are joining from the United States anyway, and they still get into the country. We could always use drones instead of putting troops on the ground. After this debate, I felt somewhat torn between sending troops over, and strengthening our military because on one hand, you're attempting to stop a major threat, meanwhile, you're putting more soldiers lives at risk.

  31. My opinion stayed the same we shouldn't strengthen the military in the fight against ISIS. I do see the points that the pros people said but i don't believe we should because it will only make us spend more money also we would possible lose more troops in the fight. Drones would cost more money which the US is already in a lot of debt.

  32. My opinion has not changed, I feel as if The United States should strengthen their military forces because it would make The United States a safer place. Also it can prevent a lot of tragedies that can happen in the future. Also, strengthening the military can safe more countries than just The United States.

  33. Talking about this topic in class hasn't changed my mind about the situation. The U.S. should focus on keeping their own citizens safe first before stepping in to help another country's issues. The citizens and their saftey. should be the first priority. Anything else comes after.

  34. I believe that we should strengthen our security in America all together before American soldiers physically step into other countries and help with their fight against ISIS. Once American has a stronger security then troops should we sent to end ISIS all together and end the killings of innocent people.

  35. Sarah Walz
    My Opinion after discussing did not change. I think that America should still strengthen the military force to fight against ISIS. I learned that that is a lot harder to get rid of ISIS than I truly thought it was.I think we should have a lot more on foot soldiers to protect america. America should make a lot more things safer such as bomb detectors. It is not fair for the lives of innocent people to be lost.

  36. I am still pro to having the military forces strengthen in fighting against ISIS. I don't think there should just be more people going into our troops pursue, but I still believe that there needs to be some type of strategy to win and fight back for our country.

  37. Listening to my classmates, my opinion didn't change. I did learn something new as they stated also being on the pro side, of how we should send drones. I still have a strong opinion on mine, about how we should strengthen the military by sending the troops out so we can win there, before concluding in a lost here.

  38. I feel my opinion stayed the same. They still shouldn't send military troops into Iraq. The debate we had in class was very controversial. both sides were correct in there own ways.
    Yes, having military in Iraq could prevent things from happening, but those men have family's. They wonder everyday if today is the day I may not go home to my family. Drones could prevent that, but if the drone see's an ISIS member and there's no troops there, then what are the going to do? The can't prevent anything from happening. It's a very controversial topic and can be discussed for hours on what we can do and try to prevent.

  39. I feel that the U.S needs to attack ISIS on their own land. They need to fight on the battlefield. The airstrikes give ISIS more of a reason to plan attacks. The U.S and allies need to travel to Syria and Israel and attack this military force.
    -Ricky Yennella

  40. My opinion did not change and the United States should still strengthen military force in Syria and Iraq. The main source of the problem is driven out of Iraq and Syria and the United States have to strengthen military force to weaken the terrorist group, and how many people in the United States join the group.

  41. My opinion stayed the same but I learned a lot like about how profiling in the US is mostly just Muslim. Also that even if slight changes are made in the way things are run , it can cause many new problems. After the debate I felt more informed. There were many new ideas I did not already have in mind.

  42. My opinion is still the same after talking about it in class. I was against U.S increasing strength to defeat ISIS. I believe the U.S is strong enough to defeat ISIS with the same strength we have now. One way the U.S could defeat ISIS is just increasing airstrikes. The debate did inform me better but it did not change my opinion.

  43. My opinion did not change following the class debate. The United States military needs to be strengthened in the fight against ISIS. Without doing so, ISIS will take advantage of the opportunity and use it to gain more land and grow in population. Alliances would be beneficial to the countries in the fight against ISIS and would increase the chances of defeating the terrorist force.
    -Jake F

  44. My opinion is still the same. I am for the U.S. sending more troops to fight ISIS. I believe that to fight ISIS we need to strengthen our troops because we can defeat them earlier if we are stronger than we are right now.

  45. My opinion hasn't changed. Even though ISIS is a large threat to America, there isn't really a good reason to strengthen military forces against them. You can't physically tell who is a part of ISIS or not. Why risk the lives of many Americans because they can't tell who to attack? Increasing the number of active fighting Americans won't make us any safer than we already are. Unless the military knows exactly who or where to attack, they should remain exactly the way they are.

  46. After hearing the class debate, my opinion did not change. I still believe that the United States should strengthen our military forces against ISIS. ISIS has already killed over 2,000 innocent people in terrorist attacks we could avoid by fighting back. Our countries safety and the civilians lives should be the most important factor. Something I learned during the debate that I did not know before was that, ISIS communicated in different countries through playstation or Xbox. This is interesting because other people playing the game would never know the things they're saying are actually code for terrorist attacks against countries around us.

  47. My opinion did not change. I still believe that by sending more troops into Syria we will risk the lives of of many troops. Also, by capturing Raqqa, the Pentagon hopes that they will lead the fight to gain Raqqa back and have them join us to fight and conquer ISIS. And, why should we help another country with having the risk of spreading terrorism into our country.
    -Katrina Paone

  48. I did not consider that while ISIS may not truly be here in the U.S., the ISIS enthusiasts are just as dangerous. Although I did not consider it, I still feel strongly that we should not strengthen or military anymore than it is now. Strengthening the military does not guarantee that ISIS will be taken out and that they will not take out their rage on revenge towards us. The consequences could be fatal to the U.S. and it shouldn't be tested.

  49. My opinion is that american should go to Syria and fight ISIS. They should should stop where all of this is starting from. They should stop it from the source and it will stop spreading. therefore we should go and destroy the leaders

  50. My opinion did not change, I still believe the military should be strengthened but I did not think about whether or not Syria refugees should be let into America. After learning that a shooting was done by Syria refugees I believe that the U.S. should not trust and let in Syrian refugees. Some people may argue that they should let them in if they are trying to come to America to be protected but there is no way to tell who is who and who is a part of ISIS.

    alex bacek

  51. My opinion stayed the same I feel that we should send more troops over to fight against ISIS. Without doing anything against they're just going to get stronger and the U.S is going to be vulnerable.

  52. My opinion after listening to some of my classmates speak about their opinions about wither we should strengthen Americas military or just leave it how it is still stands to the military should be strengthened.The reasons for this is because America should be able to rely on a military that is strong enough to defend America against any disastrous attack that ISIS can pull and the military should be strong enough to out a cold-blooded attack on ISIS when they least expect it.This could lead to ISIS then getting stronger then Americas military once again.My opinion is that no matter how strong Americas military gets and how much they defend and fight against ISIS,they will always get stronger after every attack which would lead to America having to come up with a specialized theory on what they can accomplish if Americas military and ISIS will be equally powered until some makes a mistake and leaves an open whole to where they can be defeated.

  53. I still agree with my original opinion. ISIS needs to be taken out by our military forces. With the help of Americans we will be able to defeat ISIS and everyone involved in it.

  54. I still say that ISIS needs to be approached with our boots on ground. We need to destroy their wealth and make them weaker on their home ground. My classmates had very good points on both side but my opinion stays.

  55. Before the debate I believed in the pro side even though I had to do my essay on the con side. But, after the debate my view changed so that I believed in my essay and I am now on the con side. During the debate I realized one of my points was actually a really good one, it was that we should put money towards housing the thousands of homeless veterans before we spend money sending more troops off to war. In the debate no one could come up with a good comeback to this point and made me realize that it really was a good argument, and that the con side really was the right position
