Wednesday, September 11, 2013


How do you think America has changed since the 9/11 attacks?


  1. I think that American citizens lost the sense of safety that they had always had previous to the attack. Also, many people placed stereotypes on the Muslim population for the actions of 19 individuals.

  2. America has changed by feeling more unsafe than before the attack and also I believe that we have come together to become stronger and face the odds as one.

  3. Since the attack, I think the country has been more on edge. We had the War on Terror, we saw airports immediately change their security protocols and now the Freedom Tower has become the symbol of NYC.

  4. I think America has change for the better. They have done this because the security has gone up we are more aware of what's going on and prepared for anything

  5. America has changed after the attack for the better we have become more patriotic and definitely more aware of our surroundings and cautions when seeing bags left alone and suspicious people

  6. After the terror attacks on 9/11 America has lost it's sense of security, and has been the cause for continuous prejudices against the Muslim population. Though in turn it also shows the true strength and spirit of the American people.

  7. I think stricter laws have been established for our safety. Airports are a million times different now then before 9/11. More drills in schools have been put into action. America is trying to make sure nothing like that will ever happen again.

  8. I think that security has improved and that America is trying to keep as safer by being aware of everything going on now to make sure another event does not happen again

  9. I think that we have better security and that we are more aware of our surroundings. For instance, in the airports they have a more elaborate search of your belongings.

  10. Security is more enforced and citizens are more aware and cautious of their surrounds. In schools we practice drills to know what to do in situations so we are prepared and know what to do if something like that happens again

  11. America is more aware that security needs to be enforced at all times. There in no room for error when dealing with situations like this and America is very aware of that now. 9/11 was a big wake up call for America to be more secure.

  12. America has improved with security and Americans have become more proud that we came back as a strong nation after such a tragic event

  13. I believe America has changed for the better and for good because we became united. Instead of falling apart as a country like the terrorists wanted us to we stood strong as we do today.

  14. America has deffinetely changed for the better by becoming even more united than we were 12 years ago.

  15. Since the attacks on September 11, 2001, we have seen an increase in security and surveillance around the Untied States. Our airports, train stations, and waterways are now more protected and safe. I think we are more secure as a nation now.

  16. We have changed in social and physical ways, we treat people of muslim decent with disrespect and we have amazing protection now

  17. Since 9/11 security is more enforced and more people are aware of how fast something can go wrong.

  18. Since 9/11, the country has become more aware of their surroundings

  19. Since 9/11 America has been more cautious, and airport security has increased.

  20. Since 9/11, security is making more precaution to prevent another tragic event.

  21. America has changed a lot since 9/11. Since then we created the department of homeland security to protect us against terroist attacks. Also we went to war to avenge the people who died in 9/11. Also we tightened airport security so people cannot blow up or hijack planes which makes the skies a safer place.

  22. Since 9/11, America's security has increased. I believe everyone has grown closer together as a whole as well.

  23. I believe 9/11 has made Americans grow closer to one another. We grew to protect one another from Society's harmful ways. We grew like a family closer and closer. Since 9/11 we realize attacks are common and can happen to any of us at anytime. We stopped taking our liberties for granted, thanks to 9/11.

  24. After the attack on 9/11, America has become a stronger country that has worked through the tough times of horrible devastation and loss. Since the attack, america has fought back by standing strong and remembering that day in remembrance of the people who risked their lives for others.
