Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler: How are they similar?

ê  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OLh7XVBN0I (mind of Manson part 2) 
ê  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tIPtGx7De8 (research of Hitler’s family mental issues)

Connect Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and Adolf Hitler:
§  How are they similar and different in
·         Manipulation?
·         Ideology?
·         Followers?
·         Persuasive techniques?
·         Discrimination?
·         Separation from society and American Culture?
·         Trust?
·         Loyalty?

·         Objective?
·         Lies?

Questions on Jonestown

ê  Analyze!
o   What strategies did Jim Jones use to manipulate his people?
o   Why were the people so easy to control?
o   If this would happen today, what type of people would be the easy targets?
o   Would you categorize Jim Jones as extremely smart? Insane?  Unstable?

o   Who would you say is most like Jim Jones?