Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler: How are they similar?

ê  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OLh7XVBN0I (mind of Manson part 2) 
ê  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tIPtGx7De8 (research of Hitler’s family mental issues)

Connect Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and Adolf Hitler:
§  How are they similar and different in
·         Manipulation?
·         Ideology?
·         Followers?
·         Persuasive techniques?
·         Discrimination?
·         Separation from society and American Culture?
·         Trust?
·         Loyalty?

·         Objective?
·         Lies?


  1. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson all manipulated their followers to believe that they were what they needed and eventually led them to pain, and death.

    1. How? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  2. Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and Adolf Hitler were all manipulative people who brainwashed people to think they needed them and would do anything they told them. It eventually led the people who followed their footsteps to pain, suffer and even death.

    1. How? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  3. Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson each used persuasive techniques to help achieve their goals of destruction. Jim Jones used religion to promise people a better ending, Adolf Hitler used nationalism to encourage his followers to agree with him, and Charles Manson used guilt and twisted words to make him seem less insane.

    1. Good understanding of their ideologies Ross. What types of propaganda did they use that was similar?

  4. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson were all very persuasive leaders who made people believe that they would do anything for them and be there for them through anything.They all had very clever manipulative techniques that tricked people into thinking anything they told them to do was the only way to do it and that it was right to do it.

    1. Very generalized response Kayla. How? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  5. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson all had a group of followers who were manipulated by their persuasive techniques. Jim Jones was an excellent speaker who did not have to force people to believe in whatever he said, but was able to shape their minds into doing so. Adolf Hitler also used his powerful speaking skills and lies to manipulate people into discrimination against other races. Finally, Charles Manson gained trust from his followers because he considered them his "family". Also, the power of drugs and his clever words made his followers murder people for him.

    1. Manson also used his eloquent speeches to get people hooked on his ideology. What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  6. Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and Adolf Hitler all used manipulation to follow them. They all had followers believed every word that they said and that they could do no wrong. The followers were always loyal to them and rarely ever went against them. Hitler had the most followers and killed the most people, then it was Jones, then Manson. Jones was the only one that his followers were the same people who he killed.

    1. Very true difference Nichole. How did they use their manipulation to get what they wanted? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  7. I think the three leaders that caused death by their beliefs: Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson manipulated people by making them think that they needed to do what was told. Making themselves into god-like figures made them look like they knew everything that was going on in the world and that there had to be change. Their leaders did everthing to make the followers lives better because they were either going through some tough times or they made them think that their lives aren't worth anything unless they do "what's right." The followers did anything for the leaders to make them proud and gain their trust. The followers were loyal to them and if they did something out of line, then the follower would be punished in the leader's own "special" way. Through everything that the leaders did, they all thought that society was a lie and either left to make a "utopia", or destroyed their society and made a new one.

    1. Good analysis but add examples to this. You were very general in your analysis, which gives no proof to your claims.

  8. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson were both masters at manipulation and were able to get basically exaxtly what they wanted. They were able to brainwash all of their followers. Most of their followers trusted them entirely. All three of them lead their followers to destruction.
    Steven Hertel

    1. "both" but there are 3 examples.
      How did they brainwash though? Where is the proof to this claim?

  9. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson all persuaded their followers into doing horrible things. They used trickery and manipulative ideas to attract and then force their followers to remain loyal to them. Jim Jones made it seem like there was nothing but danger outside the walls of his People's Temple community so the people would feel safe within them. He would also give his followers whatever they would need to have a better life whether it was money, a car, or anything to make them feel that they were in debt to him. Adolf Hitler used the idea of nationalism and the unfair punishments to the German nation after World War I to persuade people to fight with him to avenge the German people, but, later on revealed his true goal of eradicating the Jews and others, that he proclaimed to be "inferior" races. He only revealed his true goal after he was sure he had an army of people, specifically a whole nation, who would do anything for him. Charles Manson used methods of scaring people to join his cult by telling them that they can either follow him to make their lives have a purpose and that in doing so they would survive the war between races to emerge after it and rule the world or they could go live their lives and die. All of them would preach to their followers about how great they would be and why following them and their ideas was the correct thing to do. It is just insane how people followed these sick and twisted demands just to feel like they were part of something or to feel protected from the outside world, when really all that these people did was put themselves and many others in great danger.

    Matthew Golembieski, Block 6B

  10. Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and Adolfo Hilter are presumably responsible for numerous acts of killing they committed. each of the three men had their own way of going about their "plans", With Adolf Hitler he killed millions of Jews because he simply hated them, Jim jones manulipated over 900 people to believe what he was doing was the right thing, he convinced 900 innocent people to willingly kill themselves. Charles Manson formed a group of followers in which he called his family to kill 9 innocent people in the act of hatred. all three of these mass murderers are remembered for their manipulation and horrific acts of crime they have committed. Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and Adolf Hilter are all similar in the ways they have convinced people to follow them. they all created followers and manipulated them in a way that it became like a deadly disease to these people because it could not be stopped. Charles Manson, Adolf Hilter, and Jim Jones are all remembered as the serial killers who's minds were so twisted in a way that it sparked people's curiosity.

  11. It could easily be presumed that the mass murders of Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson all had a direct correlation as to how they accomplished such acts. Jim Jones single handedly lead the mass self suicide of 900 victims. He achieved this by becoming a master manipulator, Jim provided his followers with everything they wanted, which built trust between them and in turn they believed his lies. Just like Jim, Charles Manson also used the power of manipulation to practically posses his followers into killing nine innocent people. Charles played the part of a manipulator so well he persuaded other people to kill for the sake of his self justification in society. Similarly, Adolf Hitler had manipulated a whole country. All of Germany was under his control and were willingly to murder millions of Jews. Hitler was able to persuade his followers that Jews were the cause for Germany's economic down fall and must be exterminated. All three men efficiently murdered hundreds of innocent people with the use of manipulation, persuasion, and fear to justify their deep rooted hatred towards society.

  12. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson are all sick individuals. They all persuaded innocent people into doing things they would not have done on their own. The used manipulation so all their followers would stay true to them and return and continue doing the tasks that they were ask to do. Jim Jones made it as if the only safe place for people to be was with him inside his church and give his people whatever they needed so they felt secure with him. Adolf Hitler seemed so sweet so he could gain the trust in his followers to do whatever he said when he asked, he wanted a group of people behind him to take out the people he did not like. For example, the jews. Hitler planned to wipe them out. Charles Manson basically told people they should follow him and be with him and trust him or they were going to die. So people did and of course in the end all those people ended up doing was hurting others and themselves. The three terrible men caused so much damage or horrifying memories to innocent people. Its crazy how the thoughts of people can be so horrific and be completely okay with it even if they were killing hundreds of people. It was all done the wrong ways and with the wrong intentions.

    1. Great answer! I agree they were very sick individuals.

  13. Jim Jones, Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler were all very manipulative over their followers and had them all brain washed. All three manipulators formed groups and performed mass murders with their followers. Each of the men were very convincing and had gotten so deep into their followers heads that when the leader said blink, they blinked with out question or hesitation.

    1. How did they use their manipulation to get what they wanted? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  14. Using similar tactics, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and Adolf Hitler all were able to persuade people into doing things that they did not have the audacity to do by themselves. Manipulation was a big part of their plans. Using manipulation, Jim Jones was able to make his people think that they were supposed to be in the church. He was able to make the people think that they were the only people who were thinking that things were wrong there. Charles Manson was able to manipulate his people into killing other people. He made it seem like it was okay because they were scared of him. Adolf Hitler was able to manipulate thousands of people into hating the Jewish. By doing so, he was able to build up an entire army of people who helped enforce everything he said.

    1. How did they use their manipulation to get what they wanted? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  15. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson were all masters of manipulation. Each leader was able to gain supporters and convince people that their intentions were good. They all were charismatic, Hitler especially, provided hope for the public. Germany was devastated after the war and Hitler gained their support by convincing the public he knew how to fix the country. Jones, Hitler and Manson all had hopeless followers who found hope in their leader. Each leader persuaded their followers on a personal level, whether it was with hope for the country or hope to find love and a family they provided something that their followers were missing. Hitler and Manson targeted groups of people such as Jews, the disabled, specific political parties, etc. Where Jim Jones did not discriminate much when it came to his followers he was just persistent in making a statement.
    Jim Jones kept "The Peoples Church" completely separate from American culture and within the peoples church he separated families, and broke up relationships. He made sure that he was the only one that the people could trust. His objective was to get as many people he could t commit to drinking the poisonous "kool-aide". Hitler's objective was to kill the Jews, the Gypsies, the mentally and physically disabled, and many other groups of people. Charles Manson's objective was to convince others to murder for him. The followers of each of these leaders were extremely loyal which is why the genocides were generally successfully

  16. The manipulation strategies of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and Adolph Hitler were so well done, that each managed to get many followers. Each of the three knew how to get to the people they were trying to manipulate, and had these people follow them in whatever ways possible. These three men all had a similar goal, to kill people. To do this, they each wanted followers. While Manson and Hitler had the same idea: get followers to kill people, Jones got followers to kill themselves. Getting these followers is a different story for each. Manson, an insane man built on killing, used fear to bring in people. He manipulated people into thinking that they were the master race, and they were going to die in a war between all the races, unless they stuck with Manson. Jones gave people what they absolutely needed to live, then asked them to come to his church. After receiving exactly what they needed, they couldn't say no. Hitler used grief and anger to gain his people. He told his people to take revenge after World War One, and kill the so called "inferior" races. Hitler and Manson both discriminated against races they thought were inferior, while Jones did not discriminate, anyone was up to get killed. Manson, Jones, and Hitler all made their followers follow them and not society, especially Jones. He made his temple mandatory, and anyone who leaves is killed. Each man had his followers trust their leader. Manson had his people trust that as long as they were with him, they would live. Jones did this by giving people things. Hitler did this by promising that the glory race would rise up. The objectives of each were all different. Hitler wanted to kill all Jews, Manson wanted to kill all inferior races, and Jones just wanted to kill. Their lies all ended with the killing of multiple people.

    1. Manson did not want to have a master race. He wanted to kill those who were killing our environment and ruining our minds. He was more anti-government, not a racist. Watch the clips more carefully D.J.

  17. When it came to manipulating, All three told their followers what they wanted to here, and filled what they were lacking. All three considered themselves as a higher being than human, and they all manipulated to achieve a bigger goal; for Hitler it was the holocaust, Manson wanted to take over the government with his family, and Jim Jones wanted a revolution out of mass suicide.The differences are Jim and Manson used peace as an excuse, and Hitler did not. Hitler was involved in the government and made a bigger impact than Manson and Jim, even though their stunts received attention. All three got other people to do their killings, and were not as violent themselves as they were manipulative.Their persuasive techniques are all unique; Hitler convinced his military to kill Jews, and they did out of pride for Germany. Manson convinced his followers to kill people for him for helter skelter, and Jim Jones convinced his followers to kill themselves for peace. All of them also disapproved of their governments at some point and thought they themselves could do a better job. They gained peoples trust and it eventually destroyed those people in the end in some form. Manson and Hitler both discriminated against people and believed in white supremacy, while Jim Jones did not.

  18. Manson, Hitler, and Jones are all very similar. All these men used strong persuasion to persuade people to do their work for them. Hitler caused WWII, he got into peoples' heads with fear. He controlled them with fear, and violence. He demonstrated his power all the time. Manson imaged himself as a "god." People followed him, and supported him as a cult movement. Jones outwitted his followers. He used simple tactics to sway his followers' POV of him and his church. All these men were quite similar. But yet different in their respective ways.

  19. Charles Manson, Hitler, and Jones all used their power to manipulate people to attract followers. For example Jones said that if they did not do what he said they would not trust him. They all used fear to control their people.Hitler controlled the German soldiers to cause WWII and to do what they want.

    1. How did they use their manipulation to get what they wanted? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  20. Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and Adolf Hitler are all similar people. In their lifetime they were all able to persuade groups of people to do their dirty work. Hitlers rise of power led to the start of WW2 and the rise and 2nd downfall of Germany. Charles Manson had a mind that could persuade other people. He was followed and looked upon by his followers as a god. Lastly Jim Jones started another religion/cult that resulted in the him and his people to take poison and go out together.

    1. How did they use their manipulation to get what they wanted? What forms of Propaganda did they use? What evidence can you use to support this claim?

  21. Hitler and Jones are the similar because they both used their power of speech and authority to easily manipulate others to obey them. They both had ideals of perfect groups. The Aryan race, a blonde hair and blue eyed majority was the perfect race in the eyes of Hitler. Jim Jones gained followers to create his own ""perfect religion of the Peoples Church. They had the power to persuade other to do inhumane actions and made it seem normal. Hitler and Jones believed that those who did not follow their teachings would be punished.

    1. Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson are all similar because they're all manipulative. Jones,Manson and Hitler manipulated people to help them do their dirty work and kill people. Jones killed people with koolaid to create a perfect religion, Similar to Hitler, who killed people to create his own perfect society, Blonde hair blue eyes. Manson was thought of as a "God" and his people killed anyone he told them to kill.

  22. Jim Jones,Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson are all similar because they all used manipulation. Jim Jones manipulated people to commit suicide for a "revolution".He made them all drink kool aid spiked with poison.He made them go into the forest and drink the kool aid all together. Adolf Hitler killed Jews because they were different. Charles Manson had henchmen to kill people for him.

  23. Each of the leaders are similar because they all used manipulation to to kill. Jones convinced his people to kill themselves simply by his powerful wording. Hitler convinced millions to go against an entire ethnic group of people simply because they were different. Manson somehow persuaded others to kill for him because he was convinced that he was a god and people believed him.

  24. Adolf Hitler managed to manipulate the country of Germany. Jim Jones lured 900 people into his religious trap. Charles Manson convinced four teenagers to kill.

    Hitler avoided contact with anyone who wasn't a follower to avoid any dangerous situations. Jones and Manson did the same thing because any non-followers could have posed a threat.

    Hitler's objective was to kill all of the Jewish people. Jones' objective was to form a large cult that would eventually die of the willful consumption of poison. Manson's objective was to kill anyone he saw as a sinner.

    Hitler thought that Jewish people ruin everything and that they caused the German depression. Jones thought that people must leave this sinful world to get to heaven. Manson thought that the sinful rich people must be killed.

    Hitler manipulated Germany by convincing them that the Jewish people were the cause of the depression and famine. Jones manipulated his people by gradually making them dedicate their entire lives to "the cause". Manson manipulated his followers by providing them with an outlet or purpose in life.

    Hitler delivered powerful speeches to very large crowds. Jones did the same thing, but he also conducted "poison drills" where his followers would drink a substance when he gave the signal. Charles Manson’s love for the Beatles and his philosophy about sin and religion attracted the four teenagers who were looking for a purpose.

    Hitler discriminated against the Jewish people. Jones discriminated against no one because he wanted as many people to become followers as possible. Manson discriminated against society in general as he saw the world to be sinful and in need of change and justice.

    Hitler was trusted because the Germans thought that he’d pull them out of their depression. Jones was trusted because his followers thought they’d go straight to heaven. Manson was trusted because the teenages thought they were following Jesus and/or God.

    Hitler’s soldiers were loyal because they gathered and killed Jewish people. Jones’ followers were loyal because they drank the prescribed poison when he told them to. Manson’s followers were loyal because they murdered seven innocent people as he told them to.
    Hitler lied because the Jewish people were obviously innocent. Jones lied because death is never the answer to any problem or cause. Manson lied because he is not God, and the people he had killed did not deserve to die.

  25. Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson and Jim Jones are all similar in many ways. All three of these men similar manipulation techniques such as getting their followers to only have trust in them separating them from society and forcing them to view people they once trusted as evil. Through this they also created a sense of loyalty in these lies they built to make themselves seem better than others in society. Their followers feared life without these men because of the manipulation that occurred.
