Friday, March 21, 2014

Wicked Trip Replacement Quiz for period 2A

Post 8 "good" facts or comments about the trip to replace your quiz that you missed!


  1. 1.Bus Driver was great and knew the ins and outs of the city
    2.Jewish museum; I liked the significance of the 18 Boulders which meant “life” and with all the devastation humanity continues to survive.
    3.Jewish museum; the guide was very knowledgeable and it was a very personable topic for her.
    4.Jewish museum; I liked the top floor where you could see Ellis Island and The State of Liberty
    5.Planet Hollywood; Great service they got us all served within an hour so we were not late for play.
    6.Planet Hollywood; It was not just a restaurant it was like a museum itself with all the memorabilia
    7.Wicked; I enjoyed the story line and the music.
    8.I respected the fact the itinerary was spot on and we returned safely to the school without loosing a single student.

    1. good. The 18 boulders were really interesting to me too.

  2. 1. Learned a lot at the Jewish Museum and had a great tour guide full of information.
    2. Tour guide is Jewish and had a lot of family and friend personal experiences he was able to share with us.
    3. Walking in Times Square with my friends was a fun experience.
    4. Planet Hollywood had good service and good french fries.
    5. Really enjoyed the warm cookies for dessert at Planet Hollywood
    6. Wicked was a great play with great actors.
    7. Enjoyed the music sang during Wicked.
    8. Bus driver got us home safe and quickly.

  3. 1.) The Holocaust Museum tied in many of the facts and timelines that we have gone over in history.

    2.) The Holocaust Museum had many interesting propaganda pieces that we have seen in our literature class.

    3.) Traveling through the city is always interesting. We were able to drive past the new Freedom Tower and see a glimpse of the memorial park.

    4.) Planet Hollywood had many interesting pieces including clothing from the The Hangover and a military suit from Forrest Gump, which I thought was very interesting.

    5.) The Wicked play soundtrack was amazing and singing was incredible.

    6.) It was very cool to see the set pieces roll in and the animatronic dragon and Oz's machine.

    7.) The special effects for Wicked were amazing, including the fog and the lighting.

    8.) We were back right on time.

  4. 1. The Holocaust museum was cool how they showed the 6 pillars which was to show the 6 million deaths.
    2. The Holocaust museum showed a lot of different items that belonged to Jewish families which I thought was cool.
    3. The best part of the Holocaust museum was when they had the Torahs that were recovered by Jewish people before the Germans could get to them which showed how sacred the Torah is.
    4. Planet Hollywood was cool because all the movie memorabilia there was.
    5.Wicked had a great cast that played awesome roles.
    6. Wicked was also great because of the music and story line

  5. 7.The snacks Miss Heaney brought for us.
    8. Arriving on time.

  6. 1. Enjoyed the bus ride and how we weren't late to the Holocaust Museum.
    2. Liked how the Holocaust Museum had items from Nazi Germany during WW2.
    3. Shocked that the tour guide had family members who were affected from the Holocaust.
    4. Amazed at how good the Museum looked; the walls that had timelines and videos showing you how it was like at the time.
    5. Liked Time Square and how busy it was with all of the stores.
    6. Liked the food from Planet Hollywood and how quickly they got the food out.
    7. "Wicked" was interesting; how the play connects to the 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz" and how there was more detail than the movie.
    8. The actors that were in "Wicked" were great and didn't make not one mistake and if they did, it wasn't noticeable.

    1. Good response. We actually were 15 minutes late to the museum :)

  7. 1.) I liked being in the city because I love the atmosphere of it all. Being able to walk through it even though it was only a couple blocks was fun.
    2.) I really liked the part of the museum where you could see the rocks with the trees growing out of them which represented how impossible everything they were doing actually was.
    3.) I also really enjoyed our tour guide because she told us a lot of good information.
    4.) I loved Planet Hollywood and how nice all the waiters and waitresses were even though they were probably stressed out.
    5.) Seeing all the costumes that were from the actually movie and that the actors wore was also really awesome.
    6.) I loved Wicked and thought it was an amazing play.
    7.) The actors were great and funny and the story line was amazing how it all connected to Wizard of Oz.
    8.) I enjoyed just being in the city with all my friends and it was an overall great day!

  8. 1) I enjoyed the tour guide at the Holocaust Museum because he was Jewish and had a lot of information to share
    2) When he shared stories about the different people who came to the museum saying they experienced the tragedy at hand was interesting
    3) Planet Hollywood had a lot of items from different movies and it was an interesting and fun atmosphere
    4) The play was amazing and I thought all of the actors and actresses were really amazing
    5) The costumes that they were were very unique and extravagant
    6) Our tour guide at the museum was very informational and I learned more than I had known before
    7) Driving passed the freedom tower was cool because I haven't seen it that close since it had been built
    8) I found it funny that we had to stop our bus on the side of the highway so a student could catch up to the bus without missing out on the trip
