Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Controversial Issues Reflection September

After debating this topic in class, did your peers bring up anything you did not know before or did not consider?  Did your opinion change at all after hearing your peers' opinions?  What did you feel after this debate?  Please write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on the debate.  Feel free to respond or connect your response to your peers' reflections as well.


  1. My opinion did not change after this debate. I still feel that people should be required to stand for the pledge. It is extremely disrespectful to the people that fought for our country. I feel even more strongly that all people should be required to stand. It is there right but they are disrespecting everything this country has been built upon.

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  3. Yes, Belen and and Jenn brought up a very good point about how we don't have to stand for the national anthem. They really made me realize the other side of why we don't have to stand for the anthem. Yes my opinions did change slightly and I understand Belen and Jenn's side of their argument. I came out of this debate understanding the reasons why Colin Kaepernick did what he did and how he was just exercising his constitutional rights.

  4. After this debate, I still don't agree with the con people.. You know who you are. Kapernickel is disrespecting our Flag soldiers fought for and he could of did his protesting in a different matter instead of a NFL game watched by millions. Liam McGregor

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  6. My opinion on this topic is that everyone should stand for the pledge of allegiance. I still think that it is to show tribute to everyone who worked to make this country the way it is today. It is a tradition that has been honored for a very long time and there is no reason to change it especially because it is showing disrespect to the country we live in.

  7. I disagree with how Colin didn't stand for the pledge of allegiance hes in the country and he is in america so he should be standing showing his support and that people are risking our lives for the people in this country. He should still be standing

  8. Kyle Goworek- The debate did not change my opinion. I still believe that Americans should vote there respect and honor to the country at a young age. We should be taught from at a young age to love and support the country. The more we represent and respect the Pledge of Allegiance the more understanding and love we have for it. The Pledge of Allegiance is Pledging our respect to the country through song. Without the Pledge or Star Spangled Banner the country would not have a national song that the country honors. Therefore, my opinion about the Pledge was not changed at all from this debate.

  9. My opinion did not change after this debate. I still feel that you should definitely stand for the pledge of allegiance. I think that it is respect for our country and for the people who fought for our freedom. Even though we have freedom of speech I still feel that we should stand to honor that right. - madison z

  10. im not sure if my name is gonna pop up im connor reilly not gonna give my middlename. I think not standing for the star spangled banner is really really disrespectful and not cool to our veterans. So no my opinion still did not change. I still think that we should stand if we live in America.

    1. That is why the directions were to put your name at the bottom of the comment :)

  11. Patrick Dunn - My opinion still stands after this debate. All American citizens should stand for the pledge of allegiance out of respect for our country and the people that fought for our country to be free. Anybody that disagrees with this statement should not be living in America. Our country and our freedom deserve to be treated with respect.

  12. After this debate, my opinion did not change. I thought that Jenn and Belen had very good ideas and they were able to argue our points. It made me think about both sides instead of just my opinion, but I still think Colin Kaepernick set a bad example for young kids watching and while doing so disrespected the people who fought for our country.

  13. My opinion did not change after this debate.i feel that we all have the right to our own opinion. if you are acting on your opinion with expressing your outright full issues on the topic then that is acceptable. if you are just trying to say things for the eruption of the society's opinions then that is not ok. we all are entitled to our own opinions so we shouldn't be put into the group of the rest that agree if you dont truly agree with their opinions.

  14. After this debate, my opinion did not change. I thought that Jenn and Belen had very good ideas and they were able to argue our points. It made me think about both sides instead of just my opinion, but I still think Colin Kaepernick set a bad example for young kids watching and while doing so disrespected the people who fought for our country.

  15. Despite good points and discussion I still think that kneeling during the pledge is wrong. I know that they don't mean to be disrespectful towards the flag when they kneel but not everyone perceives it the same way. One person may see it as a way of fighting for a certain movement as another person just sees it as someone disrespecting our country and the people who fought for it. You may have the right to kneel during the pledge but in a way it is still disrespectful. - Ryan Wills

  16. My opinion did not change after this debate. I still strongly believe that all citizens should stand for the pledge of allegiance. I feel like not standing is a major sign of disrespect to our country and the people who died for our country. I think that people should respect what our flag stands for and respect that and if they want to stand for black lives matter then they should go about it in a different, less offensive way.

  17. Despite good points and discussion I still think that kneeling during the pledge is wrong. I know that they don't mean to be disrespectful towards the flag when they kneel but not everyone perceives it the same way. One person may see it as a way of fighting for a certain movement as another person just sees it as someone disrespecting our country and the people who fought for it. You may have the right to kneel during the pledge but in a way it is still disrespectful. - Ryan Wills

  18. To begin I want to say that I love my country and I would not do anything to go against it, there are a million reasons to protest for certain things. An African american man or woman gets shot or killed and then its a big thing but then when a Caucasian, Asian, or an Indian citizen is murdered or harmed and its acted as if it doesn't matter to the society, its not black lives matter, its all lives matter. My grandfather went to war in Vietnam and made one of his best friends who is black, fought for 8 years and is still friends with him to this day. If people can understand that it does not matter the color of your skin but the personality and life of the person.

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  20. No,my peers did not say anything i did not already know.I still stand with my opinion,and supporting the constitutional right to stand or sit during the National Anthem.

  21. My opinion did not change after this debate.i feel that we all have the right to our own opinion. if you are acting on your opinion with expressing your outright full issues on the topic then that is acceptable. if you are just trying to say things for the eruption of the society's opinions then that is not ok. we all are entitled to our own opinions so we shouldn't be put into the group of the rest that agree if you dont truly agree with their opinions.BELEN SANCHEZ

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  23. My opinion did not change after this debate. Everything they said I already knew. I believe people have the right to kneel or stand during the National Anthem. If not it's against the first constitutional right, freedom of expression

  24. My opinion did not change after this debate. While I am con for being required to stand for the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, I firmly believe that we should at least pay our respects and stand for those who had died in battle and represent our country every day. We can be entitled to our opinion but we must express ourselves with respect. ~Kaily Davis

  25. My opinion did not change I still feel its disrespectful to kneel or stand during the national anthem. You should show respect to everyone around you even if you don't agree with what its saying
    Vanessa Micchelli

  26. My opinion has not changed even though they're some valid points I still think that I can do what ever I want like it says in the constitution.

  27. my opinion does not change even though i heard some very good arguments. i do see that people have the right to do whatever they want. but it is still disrespectful to the soldiers who have fought for theirs and your freedom. if you dont want your freedom then get out!!!!!!!!!!!!- nick donato

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  29. My option has not changed. I still feel you should stand during the national anthem. If you are a hearing the national anthem it should be reflex. We need to respect the country they gave a you a chance to be great. You also need to respect the people who serve for you.

  30. My opinion has not changed. Since standing for the national anthem is not required, it is only recommended, I still feel that whoever chooses not to stand has the freedom to do so. I think that since the national anthem states "justice for all" at the end, but not everyone in this country is receiving the justice that they deserve, that people should have the right to choose whether or not to stand without judgement. I believe it is fine for the football players to silently protest for the black lives matter movement because the black lives that have been taken in the past 2 years seem to have not had much justice. I don't know why we have to stand for statements that are not being enforced and promised in the first place. -Kimberly McMillan

  31. My opinion did not change after hearing people at the podium. People have the right to choose whether or not to stand during the national anthem. They are completely protected by their freedom of expression. If we forced people to stand we would be contradicting our entire countries belief on freedom

  32. Although my opinion did not change my class mates did bring up some very reasonable arguments for both the pro and con sides. For example the religious conflict brought up a good debate among the class as well as the argument of it's your right of free speech and action. But I still feel that Collin Kaepernick should stand for the national anthem and find some other way to protest for the black lives matter movement.

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  34. Most of the points brought up I already knew. One point that I did not think of was when one person said that in the USA code of conduct everyone should stand during the national anthem. MY opinion stayed the same. I felt that everyone has different opinions and you should empathize with everyone.

  35. While my opinion did not change, I can say that my horizon has been expanded a little bit. By that I mean that there were points that I didn't give much thought to or never even thought about in the first place. Knowing this, I came out of this debate feeling a bit more empathetic to the conflicting arguments presented.

  36. After having this debate, i still feeling strongly about standing during the playing of the national anthem should be required. I still feel that way because of how colin handled the situation, if he did not want to stand during the song he could have went some where else so the other people did not see him disrespecting the flag. Standing shows and represents the freedom and the unity
    sarah walz

  37. My opinion has not changed and I feel as if everyone in the United States should stand during the Pledge of Allegiance to show respect to all the fallen soldiers. If the flag represents fallen soldiers then I believe that everyone should show some sort of respect.

  38. After the debate I believe my opinion was not changed. Both pro and con arguments to stand were even and when it comes down to it, it is everyone's right if they want to stand or sit/kneel. Although my opinion did not change I have a bigger understanding of both sides of if you should or shouldn't stand.

  39. My opinion is still the same. Colin Kapernick is wrong. He is living in the United States of America, a unified country. He needs to rise and respect the flag since he is living as a citizen of this nation. Colin Kapernick just wants attention. The flag and song shows respect to all the soldiers, which he is not doing.
    -Ricky Yennella

  40. My opinion hasn't changed at all after hearing everyone's opinions. Nobody should be required to stand for something that they don't believe in. As long as nobody is being harmed by your actions, you have the right to do as you please. That includes not standing for the National Anthem.

  41. My opinion is that you should always show respect to the flag. That doesn't mean that you necessarily have to say the pledge, but I think showing your respect is respecting the ones who fight for our country and the ones who have their own beliefs while standing.

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  43. After today's debate I still agree that all Americans should stand for the flag. Although there were many good talks about why not to stand for the flag I feel there are more reasons to stand for the flag -James Politano

  44. My opinion on this subject has changed the same. Yes there were good points made that made me think differently but no one should be discriminated for there decision.They have a decision of what they feel is right. Everyone has different believes and what they believe the flag stands for, if it's for freedom, for the soilders hat are living and that have falling. Everyone has the own beliefs and opinions and what they decide to do shouldn't affect anyone's daily routines.

  45. My opinion on this subject has changed the same. Yes there were good points made that made me think differently but no one should be discriminated for there decision.They have a decision of what they feel is right. Everyone has different believes and what they believe the flag stands for, if it's for freedom, for the soilders hat are living and that have falling. Everyone has the own beliefs and opinions and what they decide to do shouldn't affect anyone's daily routines.

  46. After this debate in class, my opinion did not change. I still think we should practice the proper protocol from the flag code to show respect and care for our country. If you are living in this country, of all the things we disagree on, this should be one we agree on. I disagree with Kaepernick because his act of not standing showed disrespect and a bad reputation.

  47. My opinion has not changes in any way shape or form, but i have become more open minded to others opinions and feelings towards standing for the flag.I now see as to why some feel so strongly as to Americans standing for the flag. -Daylon Wilkerson

  48. My opinion is that you do have the right to protest and Collin Kaepernick had the right to kneel for the national anthem. I personally will stand for the pledge every time. Its your right to stand or not to protest or not.

  49. This did not change my views on this topic.

  50. I think that people should stand for the Pledge of Allegiance because it represents the people who died for the country

  51. This has not changed my opinion because i believe that everyone should stand for the flag. People fought for you to make decisions freely and you should show them respect for there service.

  52. My opinion was not changed from the argument in class. Colin Kaepernick and everyone has the right to protest and freedom of speech. You therefore can not make anyone stand for the national anthem. Also nothing is wrong with kneeling nobody is going to die over it. People need to stop making a big deal over something that people are not forced to do.

  53. My opinion stays the same after this debate. I still believe that what Colin did was right and that we shouldn't be judge or forced to do something we don't want to. -Katrina Paone

  54. This debate did not change my opinion on this topic. I feel that we should have to stand for our anthem. It is disrespectful to our veterans and armed forces. People have the right to kneel yet that doesn't change that it is disrespectful to not stand.

  55. Although everyone had some good points, my view on this topic did not change. I can say that I am more open to the Pro side of this topic, but if I had to choose, I would still pick to be on the Con side. I strongly believe in our Freedom of Speech.
    --Kiersten Levy

  56. I still feel the same way about this topic as I did before. Every citizen of the United states has the right to choose if they stand or kneel or do whatever they want during the pledge. They especially have the reason if they feel that the U.S. has served them an injustice.

  57. After going through a huge discussion in class,I am unsure on if we should have to stand for this flag.I was a Pro on this topic that we should stand for this flag because it will show respect to those people who have fallen for our freedom.In our national anthem,it talks about the soldiers at Fort Henry died while holding this flag. Every time one soldier would die,another would grab the flag so that it would not touch the ground,to show that we were the strongest country and that is my opinion on this. Jordan Farmer..

  58. I do not feel that anyone in my classroom made me really disagree with my own opinion, or influence me to switch sides, I feel that you should definitely have to stand for the nation anthem,as a sign of unity for you country.

  59. JEss Emme: After the class debate, my opinion did not change. I still strongly believe all citizens of the United States should stand in a sign of respect for the country we live in. Personal beliefs or feelings should not trump the impact soldiers made on our lives we are lucky enough to live today. Aside from personal issues, all citizens should stand in honor of fallen soldiers and all who put their lives in danger to obtain our freedom. Many may feel the police force has been unjust and in some cases even racist toward certain individuals. However, you do not have to stand at attention of the flag for them, stand in respect for your country.

  60. Jake Frontera: My opinion did not change from the discussion in class. I still feel that Americans should feel obligated to stand for the National Anthem.

  61. My opinion did not change after debating with kids in my class. Although their reasons made sense I still do not agree that not standing for the flag is okay. The flag represent our country and as a simple sign of respect the least people could do is stand. People in my class argued that even if you are kneeling with your hand on your heart that that is still respecting our flag and that is true but I feel as if a simple gesture such as standing while everybody around you is, is more respectful.

  62. My opinion did not change after the debates in class today. Nobody brought up any new information that would drastically derail my argument and I have no reason to go against my previous argument. Presenting my essay only secured my opinion even more, as no one brought up any points against me that I couldn't have a good response too. Based on all this my view will likely always remain the same
